The timestamp, comments, and protection bits of the FROM file are copied to the TO file.
Any comment attached to the FROM file is copied to the TO file.
The protection bits of the FROM file are not copied to the TO file. The TO file is given standard protection bits or r, w, e, and d.
COPY displays a requester if the COPY cannot continue. When the NOREQ option is given, all requesters are suppressed. Use this in scripts to prevent a COPY failure from stopping the script to wait for a response. With the NOREQ option, the COPY command is aborted and the script continues.
copies File1 in the current directory to the Work directory in the root of the current device, renaming it File2.
1> COPY Chapter#? TO DF1:Backup
copies all the files whose names start with Chapter in the current directory to the Bakkup directory on the disk in DF1:. The Backup directory is created if it does not already exist.
copies the files in the Test directory on Work to the current directory; subdirectories in Test are not copied.
1> COPY Work:Test TO DF0:Test ALL
copies all the files and any subdirectories of the Test directory on Work to the Test directory on DF0:. If a Test directory does not already exist on DF0:, COPY creates one.
copies all files and directories on the disk in DF0: to DF1:, without displaying on the screen any file/directory names as they are copied. (For disks less than half full, this can be faster than DiskCopy.)
For more examples using COPY, see Chapter 8.
Sets or displays processor options.
CPU adjusts various options of the microprocessor installed in your Amiga. CPU also shows the processor and options that are currently enabled.
Many options only work with certain members of the 680x0 processor family. The 68020 has a special type of memory known as instruction cache. When instruction cache is used, instructions are executed more quickly. The 68030 and 68040 have two types of cache memory: instruction and data.
If mutually exclusive options are specified, the safest option is used. Availability of the following options depends on the type of microprocessor present.
The CHECK option, when given with a keyword (68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, 68881, 68882, or 68851, MMU, FPU) checks for the presence of the processor indicated by the keyword.
System: 68030 68881 (INST: Cache Burst) (DATA: Cache NoBurst)
System: 68030 68881 FastRom (INST: Cache Burst)
System: 68030 68881 (INST: NoCache NoBurst) (DATA: Cache NoBurst)
Displays or sets the system date and/or time.
DATE with no argument displays the currently set system time and date, including the day of the week. Time is displayed using a 24-hour clock.
DATE <date> sets only the date. The format for entry and display of <date> is DD-MMM-YY (day-month-year). The hyphens between the arguments are required. A leading zero in the date is not necessary. The number or the first three letters of the month (in English) must be used, as well as the last two digits of the year.
If the date is already set, you can reset it by specifying a day name. You can also use tomorrow or yesterday as the <day> argument. You cannot specify a day name to change the date to more than seven days into the future.
DATE <time> sets the time. The format for entry and display of <time> is HH:MM:SS (hours:minutes:seconds). Seconds is optional.
If your Amiga does not have a battery backed-up hardware clock and you do not set the date, when the system boots it sets the date to the date of the most recently created file on the boot disk.
If you specify the TO or VER option, followed by a file name, the output of the DATE command is sent to that file, overwriting any existing contents.
Adjustments made with DATE only change the software clock and do not survive powering off the system. To set the battery backed-up hardware clock from the Shell, you must set the date and use SETCLOCK SAVE.
Although DATE accepts and displays the date and time in a single format, programs such as Clock display the date and time according to your Locale country setting.
sets the date to September 6, 1992. The time is not reset.
resets the date to one day ahead.
sends the current date to the file Fred.
sets the current time to 11:00 p.m.
sets the date to January 1st, 2002. The earliest date you can set is January 1, 1978.