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Reports the amount of Chip and Fast memory available.







AVAIL gives a summary of the system RAM, both Chip and Fast. For each memory type, AVAIL reports the total amount of memory, how much is available, how much is currently in use, and the largest contiguous memory block not yet allocated.

Unless you want a complete summary, use the CHIP, FAST, and/or TOTAL options to have AVAIL display only the number of free bytes of Chip, Fast, or Total RAM available.

The FLUSH option frees memory by removing all unused libraries, devices, fonts, catalogs.

Example 1:


Type Available In-Use Maximum Largest
chip 233592 282272 515864 76792
fast 341384 182896 524280 197360
total 574976 465168 1040144 197360

A complete summary of system RAM is displayed.

Example 2:



The number of free bytes of Chip RAM is displayed.

See Chapter 8 for more examples using AVAIL.


Sets attention flags in the specified process.


BREAK <process> [ALL | C | D | E | F]





BREAK sets the specified attention flags in the <process> indicated. Use the STATUS command to display the current process numbers. C sets the Ctrl+C flag, D sets the Ctrl+D flag, and so on, ALL sets all the flags from Ctrl+C to Ctrl+F. By default, only the Ctrl+C flag is set.

BREAK acts the same as selecting the relevant process by clicking in its window and pressing the appropriate Ctrl+key combinations.

Ctrl+C is the default for sending a BREAK signal to halt a process. A process that has been aborted this way displays ***Break in the Shell window. Ctrl+D halts execution of a script file. The STATUS command displays the current process numbers. Ctrl+E is undefined.

Ctrl+F is used by programs that open windows to activate their window and bring it to the front of all windows. Not all programs respond to Ctrl+F.

Example 1:

1> BREAK 7

sets the Ctrl+C attention flag of process 7. This is the same as selecting process 7 and pressing Ctrl+C.

Example 2:

1> BREAK 5 D

sets the Ctrl+D attention flag of process 5.

See also: STATUS


Sets or displays the current directory.


CD [<dir | pattern>]





CD with no arguments displays the name of the current directory. When a valid directory name is given, CD makes the named directory the current directory.

You must specify a complete path to the directory since CD does not search through the disk for it. If CD cannot find the specified directory in the current directory or in the given path, a Can't find <directory> message is displayed.

To move up a level in the filing hierarchy to the parent directory of the current directory, enter CD followed by a space and a single slash (/). You can move to another directory in the parent at the same time by including its name after the slash. If the current directory is a root directory, CD / has no effect. Use multiple slashes with no spaces between them to refer to additional higher levels.

To move directly to the root directory of the current device, use CD followed by a space and a colon; for example, CD :

AmigaDOS supports an implied CD so that the CD command itself can often be left out. Enter the directory name, path, colon, or slashes at the prompt.

CD also supports pattern matching. When a directory matching the specified pattern is found, it becomes the current directory. If more than one directory matches the given pattern, an error message is displayed. You cannot use pattern matching with implied CD. For more information an pattern matching, see Chapter 3.

Example 1:

1> CD DF1:Work

sets the current directory to the Work directory on the disk in drive DF1:.

Example 2:

1> CD SYS:Com/Basic

makes the subdirectory Basic in the Com directory the current directory.

Example 3:

1> //

using the implied CD, moves up two levels in the directory structure.

Example 4:

1> CD SYS:Li#?

uses the #? pattern to match with the LIBS: directory.

For more examples using the CD command, see Chapter 8.


Changes the priority of a currently running process.


CHANGETASKPRI <priority> [PROCESS <process number>]





CHANGETASKPRI changes the priority of the specified Shell process. If no process is specified, the current Shell process is assumed. Any shell process started from <process number> inherits its priority.

Use the STATUS command to display the current process numbers.

The range of acceptable values for <priority> is the integers from -128 to 127, with higher values yielding a higher priority (a greater proportion of CPU time is allocated). However, do not enter values above +10 to avoid disrupting important system tasks.


1> CHANGETASKPRI 4 Process 2

The priority of Process 2 is changed to 4. Any shell process started from this Shell also has a priority of 4. They have priority over any other user tasks created without using CHANGETASKPRI (those tasks have a priority of 0).

See also: STATUS. For another example for using CHANGETASKPRI, see Chapter 8.


Copies files or directories.


COPY [FROM] {<name | pattern>} [TO] <name> [ALL] [quiet] [BUF | BUFFER=<n>] [CLONE] [DATES] [NOPRO] [COM] [NOREQ]





COPY copies the file or directory specified with the FROM argument to the file or directory specified by the TO argument. You can copy several items at once by giving more than one name/pattern in the FROM argument; they should be separated by spaces. If the FROM argument is a pattern or consists of multiple names, the TO argument must be a directory.

If a TO file name already exists, COPY overwrites the TO file with the FROM file. You can use a pair of double quotation marks ("") to refer to the current directory. When used as the FROM argument, "" copies all the files in the current directory. Do not put any spaces between the double quotation marks.

If the FROM argument is a directory, only the directory's files are copied; its subdirectories are not copied. Use the ALL option to copy the complete directory, including its files, subdirectories, and the subdirectories' files. It is possible to create a directory as you copy if you are copying more than one file. To give the new directory a name, specify the directory name as the last component in the TO argument's path. This can be any name, including the same name as the original if it is a different path.

COPY prints to the screen the name of each file as it is copied. This can be overridden by the QUIET option.

The BUF= option is used to set the number of 512-byte buffers used during the copy. (Default is 128 buffers, 64 KB of RAM.) Limit the number of buffers when copying to RAM:. BUF=0 uses a buffer the same size as the file to be copied.

By default, COPY gives a TO file the timestamp of when the copy was made, rather than that of the original file. Also by default, comments attached to the original FROM file are not copied and the protection bits of the FROM file are copied to the TO file. You can override these defaults using the following:

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