The FAQ to WarTrans

Q: Uh, i didnt quite get it (no wonder! red anm.) could you please write a 
   detailed howto?

A: Jupp
   (hope you have a A500 and an emulated A500 with serial support)

   Open AmigaBasic in your Real A500 and write down the Receive program 
   save it as Receive

   open the bin->hex in AmigaBasic on the emulated side
   on the question which file to convert write for example "c:cd"
   on the question which file to create type for example "ram:hexcd"
    Now this can take a while, but if nothing happens for a while, the program
    works ;)      when the job is done it returns "Ok"

   Then open the Send program in emulator, and Receive on the real A500
   and send the "ram:hexcd"
    (those programs should be selfexplaining)

   then transfer the hex->bin program the same way

   (i recomend creating those files in ram: (and call them whatever you like but
    ill refer to them here as as ram:hexcd and ram:hex->bin)) 

   then on the real thing (a500) open hex->bin in Amiga Basic and run it
   (create ram:cd, file to convert is ram:hexcd)
   this program counts to a familiar number (same as the size of "c:cd" on
   the emulator) and then quits with the return"Ok" ... if all went well, 
   you now should have the "cd"-command in your ram:


Q: uh, i try to convert <insert program name larger than 5-6k> the transfer over
   the serial-cable went ok (*cheer*) but hex->bin get an "out of memory" error
   what can i do?

A: <insert program name larger than 5-6k>  is probably to big to convet back 
   to bin with hex->bin (this is because a string will become too long in 
   AmigaBasic and you will get the out of memory error (even if you have a lot 
   of memory left)) the solution hoever is rather simple:

   get a filespliter on the net split the bin file in appropriate shards
   (please dont split the hexfile since you then might get some nasty errors)
   convert the bin-shards to hex, send them over to the A500 and convert them
   back to bin-shards with the hex->bin program. the use the amiga "join"
   comand to patch them together...:

Usage:  join <filename> <filename> (upto 15 files) TO (or AS) <new file>

   I would recomend to split the files up in shards on aprox 4k, this would
   not only solve the "out of memory problem" which might occur when
   converting hex to bin but also easy the transport over the serial cable
   and reduce risk for loss of bytes during transfer......


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