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The following are brief descriptions of the expansion library functions
that are useful for expansion device drivers and related applications.
See the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs for the
complete descriptions of all the expansion library functions.

                 Table 32-2: Expansion Library Functions
 |                                                                      |
 |            Function                 Description                      |
 |          FindConfigDev()  Returns a pointer to the ConfigDev         |
 |                           structure of a given expansion device.     |
 |            MakeDosNode()  Creates the DOS device node for disk and   |
 |                           similar expansion devices.                 |
 |             AddDosNode()  Adds a DOS device node to the system.      |
 |            AddBootNode()  Adds an autobooting DOS device node to the |
 |                           system (V36).                              |
 |      GetCurrentBinding()  Returns a pointer to the CurrentBinding    |
 |                           structure of a given device.               |
 |      SetCurrentBinding()  Set up for reading the CurrentBinding with |
 |                           GetCurrentBinding().                       |
 |    ObtainConfigBinding()  Protect the ConfigDev structure with a     |
 |                           semaphore.                                 |
 |   ReleaseConfigBinding()  Release a semaphore on ConfigDev set up    |
 |                           with ObtainCurrentBinding().               |