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**	$VER: gfxmacros.h 39.3 (31.5.1993)
**	Includes Release 44.1
**	(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**	    All Rights Reserved

#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include <exec/types.h>

#include <graphics/rastport.h>

#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>

#include <hardware/custom.h>

#include <hardware/dmabits.h>

/* NOTE: Define the following symbol in your source code
 *       if you need the old style macros defined below.
 *       Otherwise you will get the more robust versions
 *       instead.
#define ON_DISPLAY	custom.dmacon = BITSET|DMAF_RASTER;
#define OFF_DISPLAY	custom.dmacon = BITCLR|DMAF_RASTER;
#define ON_SPRITE	custom.dmacon = BITSET|DMAF_SPRITE;
#define OFF_SPRITE	custom.dmacon = BITCLR|DMAF_SPRITE;

#define ON_VBLANK	custom.intena = BITSET|INTF_VERTB;
#define OFF_VBLANK	custom.intena = BITCLR|INTF_VERTB;

#define SetDrPt(w,p)	{(w)->LinePtrn = p;(w)->Flags |= FRST_DOT;(w)->linpatcnt=15;}
#define SetAfPt(w,p,n)	{(w)->AreaPtrn = p;(w)->AreaPtSz = n;}

#define SetOPen(w,c)	{(w)->AOlPen = c;(w)->Flags |= AREAOUTLINE;}
#define SetWrMsk(w,m)	{(w)->Mask = m;}

/* the SafeSetxxx macros are backwards (pre V39 graphics) compatible versions */
/* using these macros will make your code do the right thing under V39 AND V37 */
#define SafeSetOutlinePen(w,c)	  {if (GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version<39) { (w)->AOlPen = c;(w)->Flags |= AREAOUTLINE;} else SetOutlinePen(w,c); }
#define SafeSetWriteMask(w,m)	{if (GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version<39) { (w)->Mask = (m);} else SetWriteMask(w,m); }

/* synonym for GetOPen for consistency with SetOutlinePen */
#define GetOutlinePen(rp) GetOPen(rp)

#define BNDRYOFF(w)	{(w)->Flags &= ~AREAOUTLINE;}

#define CINIT(c,n)	  UCopperListInit(c,n);
#define CMOVE(c,a,b)	{ CMove(c,&a,b);CBump(c); }
#define CWAIT(c,a,b)	{ CWait(c,a,b);CBump(c); }
#define CEND(c)	{ CWAIT(c,10000,255); }

#define DrawCircle(rp,cx,cy,r)	DrawEllipse(rp,cx,cy,r,r);
#define AreaCircle(rp,cx,cy,r)	AreaEllipse(rp,cx,cy,r,r);

#define ON_DISPLAY	custom.dmacon = BITSET|DMAF_RASTER
#define OFF_DISPLAY	custom.dmacon = BITCLR|DMAF_RASTER
#define ON_SPRITE	custom.dmacon = BITSET|DMAF_SPRITE
#define OFF_SPRITE	custom.dmacon = BITCLR|DMAF_SPRITE

#define ON_VBLANK	custom.intena = BITSET|INTF_VERTB
#define OFF_VBLANK	custom.intena = BITCLR|INTF_VERTB

#define SetDrPt(w,p)	do { \
				(w)->LinePtrn = (p); \
				(w)->Flags |= FRST_DOT; \
				(w)->linpatcnt = 15; \
			} while (0)

#define SetAfPt(w,p,n)	do { \
				(w)->AreaPtrn = p; \
				(w)->AreaPtSz = n; \
			} while (0)

#define SetOPen(w,c)	do { \
				(w)->AOlPen = c; \
				(w)->Flags |= AREAOUTLINE; \
			} while (0)

#define SetWrMsk(w,m)	do { \
				(w)->Mask = m; \
			} while (0)

/* the SafeSetxxx macros are backwards (pre V39 graphics) compatible versions */
/* using these macros will make your code do the right thing under V39 AND V37 */

#define SafeSetOutlinePen(w,c)	do { \
					if (GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 39) \
						SetOPen(w,c); \
					else \
						SetOutlinePen(w,c); \
				} while (0)

#define SafeSetWriteMask(w,m)	do { \
					if (GfxBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 39) \
						SetWrMsk(w,m); \
					else \
						SetWriteMask(w,m); \
				} while (0)

/* synonym for GetOPen for consistency with SetOutlinePen */
#define GetOutlinePen(rp) GetOPen(rp)

#define BNDRYOFF(w)	do { \
				(w)->Flags &= ~AREAOUTLINE; \
			} while (0)

#define CINIT(c,n)	UCopperListInit(c,n)

#define CMOVE(c,a,b)	do { \
				CMove(c,&a,b); \
				CBump(c); \
			} while (0)

#define CWAIT(c,a,b)	do { \
				CWait(c,a,b); \
				CBump(c); \
			} while (0)

#define CEND(c)		do { \
				CWAIT(c,10000,255); \
			} while (0)

#define DrawCircle(rp,cx,cy,r)	DrawEllipse(rp,cx,cy,r,r)
#define AreaCircle(rp,cx,cy,r)	AreaEllipse(rp,cx,cy,r,r)