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**	$VER: memory.h 39.3 (21.5.1992)
**	Includes Release 44.1
**	Definitions and structures used by the memory allocation system
**	(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**	    All Rights Reserved

#ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
#include <exec/nodes.h>
#endif /* EXEC_NODES_H */

/****** MemChunk ****************************************************/

struct	MemChunk {
    struct  MemChunk *mc_Next;	/* pointer to next chunk */
    ULONG   mc_Bytes;		/* chunk byte size	*/

/****** MemHeader ***************************************************/

struct	MemHeader {
    struct  Node mh_Node;
    UWORD   mh_Attributes;	/* characteristics of this region */
    struct  MemChunk *mh_First; /* first free region		*/
    APTR    mh_Lower;		/* lower memory bound		*/
    APTR    mh_Upper;		/* upper memory bound+1	*/
    ULONG   mh_Free;		/* total number of free bytes	*/

/****** MemEntry ****************************************************/

struct	MemEntry {
union {
    ULONG   meu_Reqs;		/* the AllocMem requirements */
    APTR    meu_Addr;		/* the address of this memory region */
    } me_Un;
    ULONG   me_Length;		/* the length of this memory region */

#define me_un	    me_Un	/* compatibility - do not use*/
#define me_Reqs     me_Un.meu_Reqs
#define me_Addr     me_Un.meu_Addr

/****** MemList *****************************************************/

/* Note: sizeof(struct MemList) includes the size of the first MemEntry! */
struct	MemList {
    struct  Node ml_Node;
    UWORD   ml_NumEntries;	/* number of entries in this struct */
    struct  MemEntry ml_ME[1];	/* the first entry	*/

#define ml_me	ml_ME		/* compatability - do not use */

/*----- Memory Requirement Types ---------------------------*/
/*----- See the AllocMem() documentation for details--------*/

#define MEMF_ANY    (0L)	/* Any type of memory will do */
#define MEMF_PUBLIC (1L<<0)
#define MEMF_CHIP   (1L<<1)
#define MEMF_FAST   (1L<<2)
#define MEMF_LOCAL  (1L<<8)	/* Memory that does not go away at RESET */
#define MEMF_24BITDMA (1L<<9)	/* DMAable memory within 24 bits of address */
#define	MEMF_KICK   (1L<<10)	/* Memory that can be used for KickTags */

#define MEMF_CLEAR   (1L<<16)	/* AllocMem: NULL out area before return */
#define MEMF_LARGEST (1L<<17)	/* AvailMem: return the largest chunk size */
#define MEMF_REVERSE (1L<<18)	/* AllocMem: allocate from the top down */
#define MEMF_TOTAL   (1L<<19)	/* AvailMem: return total size of memory */

#define	MEMF_NO_EXPUNGE	(1L<<31) /*AllocMem: Do not cause expunge on failure */

/*----- Current alignment rules for memory blocks (may increase) -----*/

/****** MemHandlerData **********************************************/
/* Note:  This structure is *READ ONLY* and only EXEC can create it!*/
struct MemHandlerData
	ULONG	memh_RequestSize;	/* Requested allocation size */
	ULONG	memh_RequestFlags;	/* Requested allocation flags */
	ULONG	memh_Flags;		/* Flags (see below) */

#define	MEMHF_RECYCLE	(1L<<0)	/* 0==First time, 1==recycle */

/****** Low Memory handler return values ***************************/
#define	MEM_DID_NOTHING	(0)	/* Nothing we could do... */
#define	MEM_ALL_DONE	(-1)	/* We did all we could do */
#define	MEM_TRY_AGAIN	(1)	/* We did some, try the allocation again */

#endif	/* EXEC_MEMORY_H */