NAME PRD_READPREFS - read the current driver preferences in a buffer (V44) FUNCTION This is a non standard read command that reads the driver preferences. IO REQUEST io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible io_Command PRD_READPREFS io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible io_Length the size of the buffer in io_Data io_Data a buffer io_Actual the number of bytes copied to the buffer. If the read fails because the buffer is too small you should double the size of the buffer and try it again. Never interpret the contents of the buffer. You are allowed to save it to file (as one block of data) and of course to write it back to the driver (PRD_WRITEPREFS). If you close the printer device between PRD_EDITPREFS and the actual printing (CMD_WRITE or PRD_DUMPRPORTTAGS) you must read the prefs after PRD_EDITPREFS and write it back before printing or the driver may forget the user changes.