NAME GetKey -- returns the currently pressed rawkey code and qualifiers. (V40) SYNOPSIS key = GetKey(); D0 ULONG GetKey(VOID); FUNCTION This function returns the currently pressed non-qualifier key and all pressed qualifiers. This function is safe within an interrupt. This is a low level function that does not fit the normal Amiga multitasking model. The values returned by this function are not modified by which window/screen currently has input focus. RESULT key - key code for the last non-qualifier key pressed in the low order word. If no key is pressed this word will be FF. The upper order word contains the qualifiers which can be found within the long word as follows: Qualifier Key LLKB_LSHIFT Left Shift LLKB_RSHIFT Rigt Shift LLKB_CAPSLOCK Caps Lock LLKB_CONTROL Control LLKB_LALT Left Alt LLKB_RALT Right Alt LLKB_LAMIGA Left Amiga LLKB_RAMIGA Right Amiga SEE ALSO <libraries/lowlevel.h>