NAME StopOnExit -- declare a stop condition for exiting a chunk. (V36) SYNOPSIS error = StopOnExit(iff, type, id); D0 A0 D0 D1 LONG StopOnExit(struct IFFHandle *, LONG, LONG); FUNCTION Installs an exit handler for the specified chunk which will cause the ParseIFF() function to return control to the caller when this chunk is exhausted. ParseIFF() will return IFFERR_EOC when the declared chunk is about to be popped. This is only of value when ParseIFF() is called with the IFFPARSE_SCAN control code. INPUTS iff - pointer to IFFHandle structure (need not be open). type - type code for chunk to declare (ex. "ILBM"). id - identifier for chunk to declare (ex. "BODY"). RESULT error - 0 if successful or an IFFERR_#? error code if unsuccessful. SEE ALSO ParseIFF(), <libraries/iffparse.h>