NAME FindToolType - find the value of a ToolType variable. SYNOPSIS value = FindToolType(toolTypeArray, typeName) D0 A0 A1 STRPTR FindToolType(STRPTR *, STRPTR); FUNCTION This function searches a tool type array for a given entry, and returns a pointer to that entry. This is useful for finding standard tool type variables. The returned value is not a new copy of the string but is only a pointer to the part of the string after typeName. INPUTS toolTypeArray -- an array of strings (STRPTR *). typeName -- the name of the tooltype entry (STRPTR). RESULTS value -- a pointer to a string that is the value bound to typeName, or NULL if typeName is not in the toolTypeArray. EXAMPLE Assume the tool type array has two strings in it: "FILETYPE=text" "TEMPDIR=:t" FindToolType( toolTypeArray, "FILETYPE" ) returns "text" FindToolType( toolTypeArray, "filetype" ) returns "text" FindToolType( toolTypeArray, "TEMPDIR" ) returns ":t" FindToolType( toolTypeArray, "MAXSIZE" ) returns NULL FindToolType( toolTypeArray, "text" ) returns NULL FindToolType( toolTypeArray, ":t" ) returns NULL NOTES icon.library V44 tolerates tool type strings with additional blanks around the '=' character, such as in "FILETYPE = text". Older icon.library versions did not support this. SEE ALSO icon.library/MatchToolValue