NAME GetVisualInfoA -- get information GadTools needs for visuals. (V36) GetVisualInfo -- varargs stub for GetVisualInfoA(). (V36) SYNOPSIS vi = GetVisualInfoA(screen, tagList) D0 A0 A1 APTR vi = GetVisualInfoA(struct Screen *, struct TagItem *); vi = GetVisualInfo(screen, firsttag, ...) APTR vi = GetVisualInfo(struct Screen *, Tag, ...); FUNCTION Get a pointer to a (private) block of data containing various bits of information that GadTools needs to ensure the best quality visuals. Use the result in the NewGadget structure of any gadget you create, or as a parameter to the various menu calls. Once the gadgets/menus are no longer needed (after the last CloseWindow), call FreeVisualInfo(). INPUTS screen - pointer to the screen you will be opening on. This parameter may be NULL, in which case this function fails. tagList - pointer to an array of tags providing optional extra parameters, or NULL. TAGS There are currently no tags defined for this function. RESULT vi - pointer to private data, or NULL for failure SEE ALSO FreeVisualInfo(), intuition/LockPubScreen(), intuition/UnlockPubScreen()