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	RawDoFmt -- format data into a character stream.

	NextData = RawDoFmt(FormatString, DataStream, PutChProc, PutChData);
       d0                  a0            a1          a2         a3

	APTR RawDoFmt(STRPTR,APTR,void (*)(),APTR);

	perform "C"-language-like formatting of a data stream, outputting
	the result a character at a time.  Where % formatting commands are
	found in the FormatString, they will be replaced with the
	corresponding element in the DataStream.  %% must be used in the
	string if a % is desired in the output.

	Under V36, RawDoFmt() returns a pointer to the end of the DataStream
	(The next argument that would have been processed).  This allows
	multiple formatting passes to be made using the same data.

	FormatString - a "C"-language-like NULL terminated format string,
	with the following supported % options:


	flags  - only one allowed. '-' specifies left justification.
	width  - field width.  If the first character is a '0', the
		 field will be padded with leading 0's.
	  .    - must follow the field width, if specified
	limit  - maximum number of characters to output from a string.
		 (only valid for %s).
	length - size of input data defaults to WORD for types d, x,
		 and c, 'l' changes this to long (32-bit).
	type   - supported types are:
			b - BSTR, data is 32-bit BPTR to byte count followed
			    by a byte string, or NULL terminated byte string.
			    A NULL BPTR is treated as an empty string.
			    (Added in V36 exec)
			d - decimal
			u - unsigned decimal (Added in V37 exec)
			x - hexadecimal
			s - string, a 32-bit pointer to a NULL terminated
			    byte string.  In V36, a NULL pointer is treated
			    as an empty string
			c - character

	DataStream - a stream of data that is interpreted according to
		 the format string.  Often this is a pointer into
		 the task's stack.
	PutChProc  - the procedure to call with each character to be
		 output, called as:

	PutChProc(Char,  PutChData);
		  D0-0:8 A3

		the procedure is called with a NULL Char at the end of
		the format string.

	PutChData - a value that is passed through to the PutChProc
		procedure.  This is untouched by RawDoFmt, and may be
		modified by the PutChProc.

	; Simple version of the C "sprintf" function.  Assumes C-style
	; stack-based function conventions.
	;   long eyecount;
	;   eyecount=2;
	;   sprintf(string,"%s have %ld eyes.","Fish",eyecount);
	; would produce "Fish have 2 eyes." in the string buffer.
		XDEF _sprintf
		XREF _AbsExecBase
	_sprintf:	; ( ostring, format, {values} )
		movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(sp)

		move.l	4*4(sp),a3       ;Get the output string pointer
		move.l	5*4(sp),a0       ;Get the FormatString pointer
		lea.l	6*4(sp),a1       ;Get the pointer to the DataStream
		lea.l	stuffChar(pc),a2
		move.l	_AbsExecBase,a6
		jsr	_LVORawDoFmt(a6)

		movem.l (sp)+,a2/a3/a6

	;------ PutChProc function used by RawDoFmt -----------
		move.b	d0,(a3)+        ;Put data to output string

	This Amiga ROM function formats word values in the data stream.  If
	your compiler defaults to longs, you must add an "l" to your
	% specifications.  This can get strange for characters, which might
	look like "%lc".

	The result of RawDoFmt() is *ONLY* valid in V36 and later releases
	of EXEC.  Pre-V36 versions of EXEC have "random" return values.

	Documentation on the C language "printf" call in any C language
	reference book.