NAME AllocAslRequest -- allocate an ASL requester. (V36) AllocAslRequestTags -- varargs stub for AllocAslRequest(). (V36) SYNOPSIS requester = AllocAslRequest(reqType,tagList); D0 D0 A0 APTR AllocAslRequest(ULONG,struct TagItem *); requester = AllocAslRequestTags(reqType,firstTag, ...); APTR AllocAslRequestTags(ULONG,Tag,...); FUNCTION Allocates an ASL requester data structure of the specified type. INPUTS type - type of requester to allocate. Currently defined types are ASL_FileRequest, ASL_FontRequest and ASL_ScreenModeRequest. ASL_ScreenModeRequest is available starting with asl.library V38 only. tags - pointer to an optional tag list specifying how to initialize the data structure returned by this function. See the documentation for AslRequest() for an explanation of how to use the currently defined tags. RESULT requester - an initialized requester data structure, or NULL on failure. The data structure returned corresponds to the requested type; ASL_FileRequest -> (struct FileRequester *) ASL_FontRequest -> (struct FontRequester *) ASL_ScreenModeRequest -> (struct ScreenModeRequester *) WARNING All ASL requester data structures are READ-ONLY and can only be modified by using tags! You must not specify requester options by using both pre-V38 tags like ASLFR_Flags1 and V38 tags like ASLFR_DoSaveMode as this can lead to unexpected results. Take care when attaching an ASL requester to a simple refresh window or a window that already shares its IDCMP with other windows. In such cases you must ask for the ASL requester to allocate a private IDCMP (with the ASLFR_PrivateIDCMP, ASLFO_PrivateIDCMP and ASLSM_PrivateIDCMP tags) or your window will lose IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW events and other messages. BUGS Under V38 and V39, the filtering functions for the file requester were only asked to filter drawer selections if the ASLFR_FilterDrawers tag was set to TRUE. The compatible behavior, reestablished in V40, is to always pass drawers for filtering. NOTES As of V38-V40 the ASL requester uses gadtools.library routines to create and maintain its user interface. Every IntuiMessage the library passes through the functions specified with ASLSM_IntuiMsgFunc and ASLSM_HookFunc will have been filtered through the gadtools.library/GT_GetIMsg() routine. SEE ALSO AslRequest(), FreeAslRequest()