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	afp - Convert ASCII string variable into fast floating point

	ffp_value = afp(string);

	Accepts the address of the ASCII string in C format that is
	converted into an FFP floating point number.

	The string is expected in this Format:

	Syntax rules:
	Both signs are optional and are '+' or '-'. The mantissa must be
	present. The exponent need not be present. The mantissa may lead
	with a decimal point. The mantissa need not have a decimal point.
	Examples: All of these values represent the number fourty-two.
		     42 	   .042e3
		     42.	  +.042e+03
		    +42.	  0.000042e6
		0000042.00	 420000e-4

	Floating point range:
	Fast floating point supports the value zero and non-zero values
	within the following bounds -
			18			       20
	 9.22337177 x 10   > +number >	5.42101070 x 10
			18			       -20
	-9.22337177 x 10   > -number > -2.71050535 x 10

	This conversion results in a 24 bit precision with guaranteed
	error less than or equal to one-half least significant bit.

	string - Pointer to the ASCII string to be converted.

	string - points to the character which terminated the scan
	equ - fast floating point equivalent