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 * Cia_Interval.c
 * Demonstrate allocation and use of a cia interval timer
 * Compile with SAS C 5.10  lc -b1 -cfistq -v -y -L
 * Run from CLI only

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/tasks.h>
#include <exec/interrupts.h>
#include <hardware/cia.h>
#include <resources/cia.h>

#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/cia_protos.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

/* prototypes */

void    StartTimer      (struct freetimer *ft, struct exampledata *ed);
int     FindFreeTimer   (struct freetimer *ft, int preferA);
int     TryTimer        (struct freetimer *ft);
void    main            ( USHORT, char **);

/* see usage of these defines in StartTimer() below */

#define COUNTDOWN 20
#define HICOUNT 0xFF
#define LOCOUNT 0xFF


        ; AND mask for use with control register A
        ; (interval timer A on either CIA)
        ; STOP -
        ;       START bit 0 == 0 (STOP IMMEDIATELY)
        ;       PBON  bit 1 == same
        ;       OUT   bit 2 == same
        ;       RUN   bit 3 == 0 (SET CONTINUOUS MODE)
        ;       LOAD  bit 4 == 0 (NO FORCE LOAD)
        ;       IN    bit 5 == 0 (COUNTS 02 PULSES)
        ;       SP    bit 6 == same
        ;       TODIN bit 7 == same (unused on ciacra)



        ; AND mask for use with control register B
        ; (interval timer B on either CIA)
        ; STOP -
        ;       START bit 0 == 0 (STOP IMMEDIATELY)
        ;       PBON  bit 1 == same
        ;       OUT   bit 2 == same
        ;       RUN   bit 3 == 0 (SET CONTINUOUS MODE)
        ;       LOAD  bit 4 == 0 (NO FORCE LOAD)
        ;       IN0   bit 5 == 0 (COUNTS 02 PULSES)
        ;       IN1   bit 6 == 0 (COUNTS 02 PULSES)
        ;       ALARM bit 7 == same (TOD alarm control bit)



        ; OR mask for use with control register A
        ; (interval timer A on either CIA)
        ; START -
        ;       START bit 0 == 1 (START TIMER)
        ;       All other bits unaffected.



        ; OR mask for use with control register B
        ; (interval timer A on either CIA)
        ; START -
        ;       START bit 0 == 1 (START TIMER)
        ;       All other bits unaffected.


 * Structure which will be used to hold all relevant information about
 * the cia timer we manage to allocate.

struct freetimer
    struct Library *ciabase;        /* CIA Library Base             */
    ULONG  timerbit;                /* timer bit allocated          */
    struct CIA *cia;                /* ptr to hardware              */
    UBYTE *ciacr;                   /* ptr to control register      */
    UBYTE *cialo;                   /* ptr to low byte of timer     */
    UBYTE *ciahi;                   /* ptr to high byte of timer    */
    struct Interrupt timerint;      /* Interrupt structure          */
    UBYTE  stopmask;                /* Stop/set-up timer            */
    UBYTE  startmask;               /* Start timer                  */

 * Structure which will be used by the interrupt routine called
 * when our cia interval timer generates an interrupt.

struct exampledata
    struct Task *task;      /* task to signal */
    ULONG   signal;         /* Signal bit to use */
    ULONG   counter;

struct CIA *ciaa = (struct CIA *)0xbfe001;
struct CIA *ciab = (struct CIA *)0xbfd000;

#ifdef LATTICE
int CXBRK(void) { return(0); }  /* Disable SAS CTRL/C handling */
int chkabort(void) { return(0); }  /* really */

 * This is the interrupt routine which will be called when our CIA
 * interval timer counts down.
 * This example decrements a counter each time the interrupt routine
 * is called until the counter reaches 0, at which time it signals
 * our main task.
 * Note that interrupt handling code should be efficient, and will
 * generally be written in assembly code.  Signaling another task
 * such as this example does is also a useful way of handling
 * interrupts in an expedient manner.

void __asm ExampleInterrupt(register __a1 struct exampledata *ed)
if (ed->counter)
    ed->counter--;                  /* decrement counter */
    ed->counter = COUNTDOWN;        /* reset counter     */

    Signal(ed->task,(1L << ed->signal));

 *  main()

void main(USHORT argc,char **argv)
struct freetimer ft;
struct exampledata ed;

/* Set up data which will be passed to interrupt */

ed.task = FindTask(0L);

if (ed.signal = AllocSignal(-1L))
    /* Prepare freetimer structure : set-up interrupt */

    ft.timerint.is_Node.ln_Type = NT_INTERRUPT;
    ft.timerint.is_Node.ln_Pri  = 0;
    ft.timerint.is_Node.ln_Name = "cia_example";

    ft.timerint.is_Data         = (APTR)&ed;
    ft.timerint.is_Code         = (APTR)ExampleInterrupt;

    /* Call function to find a free CIA interval timer
     * with flag indicating that we prefer a CIA-A timer.

    printf("Attempting to allocate a free timer\n");

    if (FindFreeTimer(&ft,TRUE))
        if (ft.cia == ciaa)
            printf("CIA-A timer ");
            printf("CIA-B timer ");

        if (ft.timerbit == CIAICRB_TA)
            printf("A allocated\n");
            printf("B allocated\n");

        /* We found a free interval timer.  Let's start it running. */


        /* Wait for a signal */

        printf("Waiting for signal bit %ld\n",ed.signal);


        printf("We woke up!\n");

        /* Release the interval timer */


        printf("No CIA interval timer available\n");


 * This routine sets up the interval timer we allocated with
 * AddICRVector().  Note that we may have already received one, or
 * more interrupts from our timer.  Make no assumptions about the
 * initial state of any of the hardware registers we will be using.

void StartTimer(struct freetimer *ft, struct exampledata *ed)
register struct CIA *cia;

cia = ft->cia;

/* Note that there are differences between control register A,
 * and B on each CIA (e.g., the TOD alarm bit, and INMODE bits.

if (ft->timerbit == CIAICRB_TA)
    ft->ciacr = &cia->ciacra;       /* control register A   */
    ft->cialo = &cia->ciatalo;      /* low byte counter     */
    ft->ciahi = &cia->ciatahi;      /* high byte counter    */

    ft->stopmask = STOPA_AND;       /* set-up mask values   */
    ft->startmask = STARTA_OR;
    ft->ciacr = &cia->ciacrb;       /* control register B   */
    ft->cialo = &cia->ciatblo;      /* low byte counter     */
    ft->ciahi = &cia->ciatbhi;      /* high byte counter    */

    ft->stopmask = STOPB_AND;       /* set-up mask values   */
    ft->startmask = STARTB_OR;

/* Modify control register within Disable().  This is done to avoid
 * race conditions since our compiler may generate code such as:
 *      value = Read hardware byte
 *      AND  value with MASK
 *      Write value to hardware byte
 * If we take a task switch in the middle of this sequence, two tasks
 * trying to modify the same register could trash each others' bits.
 * Normally this code would be written in assembly language using atomic
 * instructions so that the Disable() would not be needed.


/* STOP timer, set 02 pulse count-down mode, set continuous mode */

*ft->ciacr &= ft->stopmask;

/* Clear signal bit - interrupt will signal us later */

/* Count-down X # of times */
ed->counter = COUNTDOWN;

/* Start the interval timer - we will start the counter after
 * writing the low, and high byte counter values

*ft->cialo = LOCOUNT;
*ft->ciahi = HICOUNT;

/* Turn on start bit - same bit for both A, and B control regs  */

*ft->ciacr |= ft->startmask;


 * A routine to find a free interval timer.
 * This routine makes no assumptions about which interval timers
 * (if any) are available for use.  Currently there are two interval
 * timers per CIA chip.
 * Because CIA usage may change in the future, your code should use
 * a routine like this to find a free interval timer.
 * Note that the routine takes a preference flag (which is used to
 * to indicate that you would prefer an interval timer on CIA-A).
 * If the flag is FALSE, it means that you would prefer an interval
 * timer on CIA-B.

FindFreeTimer(struct freetimer *ft, int preferA)
struct CIABase *ciaabase, *ciabbase;

/* get pointers to both resource bases */

ciaabase = OpenResource(CIAANAME);
ciabbase = OpenResource(CIABNAME);

/* try for a CIA-A timer first ? */

if (preferA)
    ft->ciabase = ciaabase; /* library address  */
    ft->cia     = ciaa;     /* hardware address */
    ft->ciabase = ciabbase; /* library address  */
    ft->cia     = ciab;     /* hardware address */

if (TryTimer(ft))

/* try for an interval timer on the other cia */

if (!(preferA))
    ft->ciabase = ciaabase; /* library address  */
    ft->cia     = ciaa;     /* hardware address */
    ft->ciabase = ciabbase; /* library address  */
    ft->cia     = ciab;     /* hardware address */

if (TryTimer(ft))



 * Try to obtain a free interval timer on a CIA.

TryTimer(struct freetimer *ft)

if (!(AddICRVector(ft->ciabase,CIAICRB_TA,&ft->timerint)))
    ft->timerbit = CIAICRB_TA;

if (!(AddICRVector(ft->ciabase,CIAICRB_TB,&ft->timerint)))
    ft->timerbit = CIAICRB_TB;
