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The clipboard device operates like the other Amiga devices.  To use it,
you must first open the clipboard device, then send I/O requests to it,
and then close it when finished. See "Introduction to Amiga System Devices"
chapter for general information on device usage.

  struct IOClipReq
      struct  Message io_Message;
      struct  Device  *io_Device;     /* device node pointer  */
      struct  Unit    *io_Unit;       /* unit (driver private)*/
      UWORD   io_Command;             /* device command */
      UBYTE   io_Flags;               /* including QUICK and SATISFY */
      BYTE    io_Error;               /* error or warning num */
      ULONG   io_Actual;              /* number of bytes transferred */
      ULONG   io_Length;              /* number of bytes requested */
      STRPTR  io_Data;                /* either clip stream or post port */
      ULONG   io_Offset;              /* offset in clip stream */
      LONG    io_ClipID;              /* ordinal clip identifier */

See the include file devices/clipboard.h for the complete
structure definition.

The clipboard device I/O request, IOClipReq, looks like a standard
IORequest structure except for the addition of the io_ClipID field, which
is used by the device to identify clips. It must be set to zero by the
application for a post or an initial write or read, but preserved for
subsequent writes or reads, as the clipboard device uses this field
internally for bookkeeping purposes.

 Opening The Clipboard Device        Updating The Clipboard Device 
 Clipboard Data 		     Clipboard Messages 
 Multiple Clips 		     Reading From The Clipboard Device 
 Writing To The Clipboard Device     Closing The Clipboard Device