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DBLPAL Monitor

Display Mode

Screen Resolution

Overscan Size

Color Palette

High Res

640 x 256

720 x 275

256 / 16 million

High Res Laced

640 x 1024

720 x 1100

256 / 16 million

High Res No Flikker

640 x 512

720 x 550

256 / 16 million

Low Res

320 x 256

360 x 275

256 / 16 million

Low Res Laced

320 x 1024

360 x 1100

256 / 16 million

Low Res No Flikker

320 x 512

360 x 550

256 / 16 million

Clearing a Display Mode

If you accidentally select a display mode that is not compatible with your monitor, it can severely disrupt your display and potentially damage your monitor. Should this happen, you must reboot the system to clear the display. If you saved this selection in ScreenMode, you must follow these steps to return the display to normal:

  1. Insert your Workbench floppy disk into a disk drive and boot your Amiga.


    Floppy-only users must reboot using their original unmodified Workbench floppy disk or, if they are using a VGA-only monitor, a backup Workbench floppy disk containing their initial ScreenMode editor settings to return the display to normal.

  2. Remove your Workbench floppy disk and insert your Extras floppy disk. Double-click on its icon.
  3. Open the Prefs drawer and double-click on the ScreenMode icon.
  4. Select your Display Mode from the Display Mode field or use the default selection.
  5. From the Project menu, choose the Save As item.
  6. In the Save ScreenMode Preferences requester, click on the Volumes gadget to display all available volumes.
  7. Select the volume containing the Prefs drawer.
  8. In each subsequent window click on the Prefs. Env-Archive, and Sys drawers and on screenmode.prefs until the Drawer field of the requester contains the following path:

    DeviceX:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys and the File field displays screenmode.prefs . (Where DeviceX is the hard disk partition containing Prefs or the floppy disk drive where the volume containing Prefs is to be inserted.)


    Floppy-only users should insert their backup copy of the Workbench floppy disk into the device chosen for copying the changed ScreenMode setting.

  9. Click on OK in the Save requester and then Cancel on the ScreenMode Preferences window to close it.
  10. Reboot your system.

Screen Centering and Overscan

The display modes produced by different monitor drivers can vary in their size and centering on the monitor screen. You can control this by first saving your preferred Workbench display settings in the ScreenMode and Overscan Preferences editors and then using the monitor's horizontal and vertical size/centering controls for the best display. If certain display modes produce screens on which some part is not visible, a further adjustment of the monitor controls or activating the VGAOnly monitor driver as described on page 7-6 can help.


When changing between screens whose display modes do not have the same scan rates, such as DBLNTSC and Super72 modes, a multiscan monitor must re-sync to the new scan rate. While the monitor adjusts itself, the image jumps or the display can go blank briefly, depending on the monitor. This is normal and does not indicate a problem with the Amiga or the monitor.

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