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Settings Menu

The Settings menu contains the Create Icons? Item that allows you to save project icons for the preset files. For example, if you save printer specifications to the SYS:Prefs/Presets/Printer.pre file, an icon for the file appears in the Presets window. Double-click on the icon to activate the file's settings.

Using the Presets Drawer

Open the Presets drawer and double-click on an Presets Project icon to use its settings. Or open the editor, choose the Open menu item, and use the Load requester to select the preset. Select Use to use the settings until you reboot or open another editor file.

Workbench Preferences

This preference editor controls some basic parameters for the Workbench:

The list of hidden devices" in the left of the window shows all physical devices on your computer (i.e. hard drive partitions, CD-ROM drives, etc.). If the checkmark to the left of a device name is active, that device will not be displayed on the Workbench screen but will remain available from the CLI, through file requesters, etc. This option is useful for e.g. hiding drives that only contain temporary data and need not be accessed from the workbench.

In the Icons" section the following options are available:

No color icons

Activating this option causes NewIcons and the new OS3.5 icons to be ignored and the 4-color icons of OS3.1 and earlier versions to be used.

No NewIcons

Activating this option causes all NewIcon data an icon file might contain to be ignored, using the normal" icon image instead.


This popup-menu controls the color allocation for icon images. The higher the quality level you select, the better the icons will look on the monitor. Please bear in mind that at the same time less colors are available for other applications to use.

Border size

This popup-menu provides global control over the border size used for icons and whether icons should have a border at all. Please bear in mind that it is possible to create icons that are displayed borderless, even if the global borders are enabled.

Stack size

This gadget controls the default stack size to use for programs that were started from workbench although they do not possess an icon.

Reaction Preferences

Reaction is the graphical user interface of AmigaOS3.5 and can be adapted to your needs through the appropriate preferences editor. The following options are available:

Window" group

Refreshing method

Here you can select the method to be used for refreshing window contents. Smart" results in fast updates of window contents after depth arrangemenets but uses more memory. Simple" uses less memory but results in more time being needed to complete a refresh

Fallback Font

When you selected a font in the Font Preferences that is so large that certain windows would not fit on the current screen anymore, Reaction will try to re-open the window using the fall back font. For this reason a small font should be chosen.
Clicking on the Default gadget will cause the contents of the font field to be deleted and the internal fallback font of Reaction to be used


Backdrop pattern

In this gadget you can enter the path to an image that will be displayed in the background of all Reaction-based programs. Alternatively, you can click on the gadget to the left of the path in order to open a file requester for selecting an image.

Group" group

Label Font

Here you can select a font to be used for group labels such as e.g. Window", Group" and Look" in the Reaction preferences. Clicking on the Default gadget will clear the font and cause the standard font for group labels to be used.


This menu controls whether group labels should be left-aligned, centerred, or right-aligned.

3D Label

This checkbox toggles the 3-dimensional appearance of group labels.


These gadgets allow you to choose the color for the group labels. If you did not change the default workbench colors, black, white and blue will be available.

Look" group


This menu can be used to toggle between several pre-defined looks for Reaction-based programs. Simply try the different styles and stick with the one you like best or you can best work with.


This gadget controls how far the different Elements of Reaction-based applications should be placed from each other. The values do not represent fixed distances but rather certain distance levels, with smaller values meaning smaller distances.

3D Scroller

Toggles the use of 3-dimensional scrollbars for e.g. listviews.

Keyboard Selection Delay

This gadget allows you to specify the time (in seconds) Workbench will wait before clearing the keyboard buffer for keyboard-based icon selection. I.e. after the specified time has expired, any keyboard input will be interpreted as the beginning of a new icon name instead of the continuation of the current one.

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