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Starting ED

Start ED from a Shell or with the Workbench Execute Command menu item. Open ED at the prompt by entering ED and a new or existing file name, as follows:

1> ED <filename>

where <filename> is the name of an existing file or a new file to be used for saving your work. If the file name specified cannot be found in the current directory, ED opens a blank window and displays the message Creating new file .

The format for ED is the following:

ED [FROM] <filename> [SIZE <n>] [WITH <filename>] [WINDOW <window spec>] [TABS <n>] [WIDTH | COLS <n>] [HEIGHT | ROWS <n>]

The FROM argument specifies the source file to be edited. This argument is required, but the FROM keyword is optional.

The SIZE argument changes the ED buffer size. ED has a default text buffer size of 40,000 bytes. For example:

1> ED Script SIZE 55000

increases the size of the buffer to 55,000 bytes.

The WITH argument specifies and ED command file that can contain any sequence of ED extended mode commands. When WITH is specified, ED executes the commands contained in the command file.

The WINDOW argument specifies the console type, such as RAW:0/0/640/256/EdWindow or CONSOLE:.

TABS sets the tab stop interval, which is the number of spaces to the right that the cursor moves when you press the Tab key. The default value for TABS is 3.

The WIDTH and HEIGHT arguments adjust the size of the ED window by specifying the number of characters to display horizontally and vertically.

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