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Seek error

An error occurred while processing a file.

Be sure that you only SEEK within the file. You cannot SEEK outside the bounds of the file.


Comment is too long

You filenote has exceeded the maximum number of characters (79).

Use a shorter filenote.


Disk is full

There is not enough room on the disk to perform the requested operation.

Delete unnecessary files or directories or use a different disk.


Object is protected from

The d (deletable) protection bit of the file or directory is clear.

If you are certain that you want to delete the file or directory, use PROTECT to set the d bit or use the FORCE option of DELETE.


File is write protected

The w (writable) protection bit of the file is clear.

If you are certain that you want to overwrite the file, use PROTECT to set the w bit.


File is read protected

The r (readable) protection bit of the file is clear.

Use PROTECT to set the r bit of the file.


Not a valid DOS disk

The disk in the drive is not an AmigaDOS disk, it has not been formatted, or it is corrupt.

Be sure you are using the correct disk. If the disk worked previously, use a disk recovery program to salvage its files. Format unformatted disks.


No disk in drive

The disk is not inserted in the specified drive.

Insert the appropriate disk in the specified drive.


No more entries in directory

The AmigaDOS call EXNEXT has no further entries in the directory you are examining.

Stop calling EXNEXT.


Object is soft link

Attempt was made to access a soft-link for a device that does not support it.

No recovery.


Bad load file hunk

The program loaded is corrupted.

Load a new or original copy of the program.


Record lock collision

Another application is accessing the database.

Try accessing the database again.


Record lock timeout

Another application has the database entry lokked.

Try again or quit the other application and retry.


Buffer overflow

Occurs if pattern matching string is too long.

Make pattern matching string shorter.



Occurs if program stopped via Ctrl+C.

No recovery


File not executable

The e (executable) bit of the file is clear.

Same as Error 121.

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