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Changing Environment Variables

Intellifont can use two environment variables to store specifications about your outline fonts: Intellifont and Diskfont. The Intellifont environment variable is used to create the list of sizes that are typically presented by applications in their font menus. The default sizes are 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75. Create the Intellifont variable if you frequently use other sizes. Use a text editor to create a file containing a list of sizes saved in ASCII format; the maximum number of sizes is 20. Save the file to SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/Intellifont.

The Diskfont variable specifies the parameters used by the diskfont.library when it converts an outline typeface into an Amiga graphics font. The format of the variable is:


The XDPI and YDPI parameters adjust the aspect ratio, which by default is 1:1. If the fonts are to be used in the High Res display mode, adjust the aspect ratio by changing the XDPI value to 100 and the YDPI value to 50. Use a text editor to change the values and save the file to SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/Diskfont. For example:

XDPI 100 YDPI 50

If XDPI is specified, YDPI must also be specified.

The XDOTP and YDOTP parameters control the dot size percentage (the space a dot fills in relation to the screen resolution). The default value for both XDOTP and YDOTP is 100 (a dot fills the same size as implied by the resolution) and should not need changing. If XDOTP is specified, YDOTP must also be specified.


Very large or very small values of XDOTP or YDOTP are required before you can see a difference.

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