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A Bootable RAD:

On an Amiga with more than 2 MB of RAM, you can create a floppy-size RAD:. By copying your Workbench files into this RAD: and reassigning to it all the directories normally assigned to the Workbench disk, it can be used as a recoverable Workbench-in-RAM. This allows you to reboot from RAD: instead of from the Workbench disk.

You can also set up multiple RAD: devices different size by copying the RAD: mount file and changing the name and unit number.

Using Directory Caching on Floppy Disks

Release 3 of AmigaDOS provides a directory cache option for disk formatting. Disks formatted with this option open their windows and perform most disk operations faster than regular disks. This is especially noticeable on floppy-based systems.

To format a disk with the directory cache option, select the Directory Cache gadget in the Format window. For best performance, also select the Fast File System gadget.

Directory Caching on System Disks

To use directory caching on your system disks, copy the contents of the disk to a disk you have formatted with the Directory Cache option. Do this the way you normally copy files and directories:

  1. Open the system disk window.
  2. Choose Show All Files and Select Contents from the Window menu.
  3. Hold down Shift.
  4. Drag all the selected icons to the destination disk.

This method, rather than a standard disk copy, is necessary to preserve the directory cache Formatting of the destination disk.

The following apply when using directory caching on floppy disks:

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