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The Calculator is a standard four-function calculator for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Opening the Calculator icon activates it.

The calculator works like any standard calculator. The buttons on the calculator are gadgets. The numbered gadgets represent the digits 0 through 9. The non-numerical gadgets represent:


Clear all previous entries. Resets the calculator to 0.


Clear the current entry.









Decimal point.


Delete the last digit entered.

Change the sign of the current entry. Positive numbers become negative; negative numbers become positive.


Display the result of the operation.

To press a button, select the gadget with the mouse or press the corresponding key on the keyboard. You can use either the keyboard or numeric keypad keys. Return and the keypad Enter key are equivalent to the equals (=) button. The left arrow key is equivalent to the « button.

The calculator displays a message for Overflow and Divide By Zero errors.

Select the close gadget to exit the Calculator.

Calculator menus

The calculator ahs three menus: the Project menu, the Edit menu, and the Windows menu.

On the Project menu:

Clear Entry

Clears the current entry only.

Clear All

Clears all entries and resets the display to zero.


Closes off the calculator.

On the Edit menu:


Copies and clears the current entry to the Clipboard.


Copies the current entry to the Clipboard without clearing the area.


Place the current Clipboard contents into the calculator.

Show Tape is the only Window menu option. It displays a window showing the calculator entries and results. Show Tape can also be copied, but since it does not have a menu, use drag-select and Amiga+C to copy its contents to the Clipboard.

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