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Edit Menu

The following are commands used for editing:

Undo Line


Reverses changes made to the current line. However, ED cannot undo a line deletion. Once you have moved from the current line, the U command cannot undo a change.

Star Block


Identify the beginning and end of a block of text. To specify a block of text to be moved, inserted, or deleted, place the cursor on the first line that you want in the block and enter the BS command. Move the cursor to the last line that you want in the block and enter the BE command.

You cannot start or finish a block in the middle of a line.

Show Block


Redraws the display so the block is at the top of the screen.

Insert Block


Inserts a copy of the block after the current line. The block remains defined until you change the text. Use IB to insert copies of the block throughout the document.

Delete Block


Deletes a block.

Delete Line


Deletes the entire line.

Movement Menu

The following commands move the cursor around the screen:



Top of the file; first line of the file is brought to the top of the window.



Bottom of the file; last line of the file is brought to the bottom of the window.

Go To Line...


Move the cursor to the specified line. Enter the line number on the status line and press Return. The line specified is brought to the top of the window. If no number is given, the cursor goes to the top of the window.

Next Page


Go to next page.

Previous Page


Go to previous page.

Search Menu

The following commands let you search through the file for specific instances of text. You can substitute one pattern of text with another (search and replace) and have ED request confirmation of (query) each replace. If the specified text is not found or there are no more instances of the text, the message Search failed is displayed. When using the Find and Replace menu commands, ED prompts for the text strings. Enter the text without delimiters. When using extended mode, include delimited strings with the command.

Find Next


Finds the next occurrence of the specified string of text. The search starts one character beyond the current cursor position and continues forward through the file. If the string is found, the cursor moves to the start of the located string. The search is case-sensitive, unless the Ignore Case command is used. Find Next repeats the command.

Reverse Find...
Reverse Find


Searches backwards through the file for the specified string. This command finds the last occurrence of the string before the current cursor position. The search continues through to the beginning of the file. Reverse Find Next repeats the command.



Exchanges one occurrence of text with another.

In extended mode, enter the strings enclosed by three delimiters. For example, to replace the word to with too, enter "to"too". Specify empty strings by typing two delimiters with nothing between them. If the first string is empty, ED inserts the second string at the current cursor position. If the second string is empty, ED searches for the next occurrence of the first string and then deletes it. Note that ED ignores margin settings when exchanging text.

Global Replace


Exchanges all occurrences of text.



Searches for the text to be exchanged and requests verification by displaying Exchange?. Enter Y to exchange or another other key to abort.

Global Query-Replace...


Searches for all occurrences of the text to be exchanged and requests verification for each. Enter Y to exchange or any other key to abort.

Settings Menu

The following commands are used for setting up your ED environment:

Set FN Key...


Defines the function keys and other programmable keys. Defining function key and Ctrl+key commands is similar to defining menu items. See page 4-15 for instructions for defining function keys and an example of the Set FN Key command.

Show FN Key...


Displays the setting for the function key specified by <key>. Enter a space and a key slot number for <key>.

Reset Keys


Resets the key definitions to the default. See page 4-16 for a table of special key mappings.

Right Margin...


Sets the right margin. Use the SR command followed by a number indicating the column position.

Left Margin...


Sets the left margin. Use the SL command followed by a number indicating the column position. The left margin should not be set beyond the right edge of the screen.

Ignore Case


Specifies a case-insensitive search. UC instructs all subsequent searches not to make any distinction between upper and lower case next. To make searches case-sensitive again, use the LC command.

Case Sensitive


Specifies a case-sensitive search.

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