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Removing Files From Your Workbench Disk

Copying printer drivers, fonts, or Preferences editors to your Workbench disk makes them readily available. However, a Volume is full requester can result if you try to copy too much to your Workbench disk. It is possible to delete files from the Workbench disk to make room for other files.


Deleting system software results in some limitation of your Amiga's capabilities and may cause an error if an application attempts to use a file that was deleted. If you experience an unexpected requester or error, repeat the same operation using the original Workbench disk. If no error occurs, the application uses something that was deleted and it should be restored.

Document all changes that you make to your system disks. Adding a comment in the disk's User-startup file can remind you that you are working with a non-standard Workbench disk.

Files You Can Delete

Files To Avoid Deleting

The following should not be deleted under any circumstances:

Do not delete any file whose purpose you do not know. Do not delete more files than necessary to fit the new material you intend to add to the disk.

Although deleting everything in REXXC, in addition to System/RexxMast, System/, LIBS:rexxsyslib.library, and LIBS:rexxsupport.library frees almost 50 KB of disk space, we do not recommend this since many Amiga applications use ARexx and must call upon these files.

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