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**	$Filename: devices/sana2.h $
**	$Revision: 1.10 $
**	$Date: 92/01/10 15:10:05 $
**	Structure definitions for SANA-II devices.
**	(C) Copyright 1991-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**		All Rights Reserved

#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include <exec/types.h>

#ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H
#include <exec/ports.h>

#ifndef EXEC_IO_H
#include <exec/io.h>

#include <exec/errors.h>

#include <devices/timer.h>

#include <utility/tagitem.h>

#define SANA2_MAX_ADDR_BITS	(128)

struct IOSana2Req
	struct IORequest ios2_Req;
	ULONG ios2_WireError;		/* wire type specific error	*/
	ULONG ios2_PacketType;		/* packet type			*/
	UBYTE ios2_SrcAddr[SANA2_MAX_ADDR_BYTES];	/* source addr	*/
	UBYTE ios2_DstAddr[SANA2_MAX_ADDR_BYTES];	/* dest address	*/
	ULONG ios2_DataLength;		/* length of packet data	*/
	VOID *ios2_Data;		/* packet data			*/
	VOID *ios2_StatData;		/* statistics data pointer	*/
	VOID *ios2_BufferManagement;	/* see SANA-II OpenDevice adoc	*/

** defines for the ios2_Flags field
#define SANA2IOB_RAW	(7)		/* raw packet IO requested	*/

#define	SANA2IOB_BCAST	(6)		/* broadcast packet (received)	*/

#define	SANA2IOB_MCAST	(5)		/* multicast packet (received)	*/

#define SANA2IOB_QUICK	(IOB_QUICK)	/* quick IO requested (0)	*/

** defines for OpenDevice() flags
#define SANA2OPB_MINE	(0)		/* exclusive access requested	*/

#define SANA2OPB_PROM	(1)		/* promiscuous mode requested	*/

** defines for OpenDevice() tags
#define S2_Dummy	(TAG_USER + 0xB0000)

#define S2_CopyToBuff	(S2_Dummy + 1)
#define S2_CopyFromBuff	(S2_Dummy + 2)

struct Sana2DeviceQuery
** Standard information
	ULONG	SizeAvailable;		/* bytes available		*/
	ULONG	SizeSupplied;		/* bytes supplied		*/
	ULONG	DevQueryFormat;		/* this is type 0		*/
	ULONG	DeviceLevel;		/* this document is level 0	*/
** Common information
	UWORD	AddrFieldSize;		/* address size in bits		*/
	ULONG	MTU;			/* maximum packet data size	*/
	ULONG	BPS;			/* line rate (bits/sec)		*/
	ULONG	HardwareType;		/* what the wire is		*/
** Format specific information

** defined Hardware types
**  If your hardware type isn't listed below contact CATS to get a new
**  type number added for your hardware.
#define S2WireType_Ethernet		1
#define S2WireType_IEEE802		6
#define S2WireType_Arcnet		7
#define S2WireType_LocalTalk		11

#define S2WireType_AmokNet		200

#define S2WireType_PPP			253
#define S2WireType_SLIP			254
#define S2WireType_CSLIP		255

struct Sana2PacketTypeStats
	ULONG PacketsSent;		/* transmitted count		*/
	ULONG PacketsReceived;		/* received count		*/
	ULONG BytesSent;		/* bytes transmitted count	*/
	ULONG BytesReceived;		/* bytes received count		*/
	ULONG PacketsDropped;		/* packets dropped count	*/

struct Sana2SpecialStatRecord
	ULONG Type;			/* statistic identifier		*/
	ULONG Count;			/* the statistic		*/
	char *String;			/* statistic name		*/

struct Sana2SpecialStatHeader
	ULONG RecordCountMax;		/* room available		*/
	ULONG RecordCountSupplied;	/* number supplied		*/
	/* struct Sana2SpecialStatRecord[RecordCountMax]; */

struct Sana2DeviceStats
	ULONG PacketsReceived;		/* received count		*/
	ULONG PacketsSent;		/* transmitted count		*/
	ULONG BadData;			/* bad packets received		*/
	ULONG Overruns;			/* hardware miss count		*/
	ULONG UnknownTypesReceived;	/* orphan count			*/
	ULONG Reconfigurations;		/* network reconfigurations	*/
	struct timeval LastStart;	/* time of last online		*/

** Device Commands
#define S2_START		(CMD_NONSTD)

#define S2_DEVICEQUERY		(S2_START+ 0)
#define S2_MULTICAST		(S2_START+ 7)
#define S2_BROADCAST		(S2_START+ 8)
#define S2_TRACKTYPE		(S2_START+ 9)
#define S2_UNTRACKTYPE		(S2_START+10)
#define S2_GETTYPESTATS		(S2_START+11)
#define S2_ONEVENT		(S2_START+14)
#define S2_READORPHAN		(S2_START+15)
#define S2_ONLINE		(S2_START+16)
#define S2_OFFLINE		(S2_START+17)

#define S2_END			(S2_START+18)

** defined errors for ios2_Error  (see also <exec/errors.h>)
#define S2ERR_NO_ERROR		0	/* peachy-keen			*/
#define S2ERR_NO_RESOURCES	1	/* resource allocation failure	*/
#define S2ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT	3	/* garbage somewhere		*/
#define S2ERR_BAD_STATE		4	/* inappropriate state		*/
#define S2ERR_BAD_ADDRESS	5	/* who?				*/
#define	S2ERR_MTU_EXCEEDED	6	/* too much to chew		*/
#define S2ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED	8	/* hardware can't support cmd	*/
#define S2ERR_SOFTWARE		9	/* software error detected	*/
#define S2ERR_OUTOFSERVICE	10	/* driver is OFFLINE		*/
** From <exec/errors.h>
**	IOERR_OPENFAIL	 (-1) * device/unit failed to open *
**	IOERR_ABORTED	 (-2) * request terminated early [after AbortIO()] *
**	IOERR_NOCMD	 (-3) * command not supported by device *
**	IOERR_BADLENGTH	 (-4) * not a valid length (usually IO_LENGTH) *
**	IOERR_BADADDRESS (-5) * invalid address (misaligned or bad range) *
**	IOERR_UNITBUSY	 (-6) * device opens ok, but requested unit is busy *
**	IOERR_SELFTEST   (-7) * hardware failed self-test *

** defined errors for ios2_WireError
#define S2WERR_GENERIC_ERROR	0	/* no specific info available	*/
#define	S2WERR_NOT_CONFIGURED	1	/* unit not configured		*/
#define S2WERR_UNIT_ONLINE	2	/* unit is currently online	*/
#define S2WERR_UNIT_OFFLINE	3	/* unit is currently offline	*/
#define	S2WERR_ALREADY_TRACKED	4	/* protocol already tracked	*/
#define	S2WERR_NOT_TRACKED	5	/* protocol not tracked		*/
#define S2WERR_BUFF_ERROR	6	/* buff mgt func returned error	*/
#define S2WERR_SRC_ADDRESS	7	/* source address problem	*/
#define S2WERR_DST_ADDRESS	8	/* destination address problem	*/
#define S2WERR_BAD_BROADCAST	9	/* broadcast address problem	*/
#define S2WERR_BAD_MULTICAST	10	/* multicast address problem	*/
#define S2WERR_MULTICAST_FULL	11	/* multicast address list full	*/
#define S2WERR_BAD_EVENT	12	/* unsupported event class      */
#define S2WERR_BAD_STATDATA	13	/* statdata failed sanity check */
#define S2WERR_IS_CONFIGURED	15	/* attempt to config twice      */
#define S2WERR_NULL_POINTER	16	/* null pointer detected        */

** defined events
#define	S2EVENT_ERROR		(1L<<0)	/* error catch all		*/
#define	S2EVENT_TX		(1L<<1)	/* transmitter error catch all	*/
#define	S2EVENT_RX		(1L<<2)	/* receiver error catch all	*/
#define	S2EVENT_ONLINE		(1L<<3)	/* unit is in service		*/
#define	S2EVENT_OFFLINE		(1L<<4)	/* unit is not in service	*/
#define	S2EVENT_BUFF		(1L<<5)	/* buff mgt function error	*/
#define S2EVENT_HARDWARE	(1L<<6)	/* hardware error catch all	*/
#define S2EVENT_SOFTWARE	(1L<<7)	/* software error catch all	*/

#endif	/* SANA2_SANA2DEVICE_H */