A title conforming to Level Three support allows users to multitask freely (given sufficient memory). These titles must include support for points 1) through 7) above. Furthermore, Level Three titles may not re-assign any directory assigns that the system requires (i.e. fonts:, sys:, s:, etc.). If a title in this category needs to access a particular font on the CD-ROM, it should not re-assign fonts: to cd0:fonts. Instead, it should refer to the full path name of the CD via the volume name of the disc (for example, MyDisk:Data/MyFile). You should not refer to the device name (cd0:) since this may vary, either with more than one CD-ROM peripheral attached, or a different device name for a third-party drive. If your title does refer to a volume name, be careful when pre-mastering the title. Make sure you enter the correct volume name when running the ISO utility. If another company does the pre-mastering for you, make sure they use the correct volume name.