AllocIFF()() - Create a new IFFHandle structure. AllocLocalItem(type,id,ident,dataSize)(d0/d1/d2/d3) - Create a local context item structure. CloseClipboard(clipboard)(a0) - Close and free an open ClipboardHandle. CloseIFF(iff)(a0) - Close an IFF context. CollectionChunk(iff,type,id)(a0,d0/d1) - Declare a chunk type for collection. CollectionChunks(iff,propArray,nProps)(a0/a1,d0) - Declare many collection chunks at once. CurrentChunk(iff)(a0) - Get context node for current chunk. EntryHandler(iff,type,id,position,handler,object)(a0,d0/d1/d2/a1/a2) - Add an entry handler to the IFFHandle context. ExitHandler(iff,type,id,position,handler,object)(a0,d0/d1/d2/a1/a2) - Add an exit handler to the IFFHandle context. FindCollection(iff,type,id)(a0,d0/d1) - Get a pointer to the current list of collection FindLocalItem(iff,type,id,ident)(a0,d0/d1/d2) - Return a local context item from the context stack. FindProp(iff,type,id)(a0,d0/d1) - Search for a stored property chunk. FindPropContext(iff)(a0) - Get the property context for the current state. FreeIFF(iff)(a0) - Deallocate an IFFHandle struct. FreeLocalItem(localItem)(a0) - Deallocate a local context item structure. GoodID(id)(d0) - Test if an identifier follows the IFF 85 specification. GoodType(type)(d0) - Test if a type follows the IFF 85 specification. IDtoStr(id,buf)(d0/a0) - Convert a longword identifier to a null-terminated string. InitIFF(iff,flags,streamHook)(a0,d0/a1) - Initialize an IFFHandle struct as a user stream. InitIFFasClip(iff)(a0) - Initialize an IFFHandle as a clipboard stream. InitIFFasDOS(iff)(a0) - Initialize an IFFHandle as a DOS stream. LocalItemData(localItem)(a0) - Get pointer to user data for local context item. OpenClipboard(unitNum)(d0) - Create a handle on a clipboard unit. OpenIFF(iff,rwMode)(a0,d0) - Prepare an IFFHandle to read or write a new IFF stream. ParentChunk(contextNode)(a0) - Get the nesting context node for the given chunk. ParseIFF(iff,control)(a0,d0) - Parse an IFF file from an IFFHandle struct stream. PopChunk(iff)(a0) - Pop top context node off context stack. PropChunk(iff,type,id)(a0,d0/d1) - Specify a property chunk to store. PropChunks(iff,propArray,nProps)(a0/a1,d0) - Declare many property chunks at once. PushChunk(iff,type,id,size)(a0,d0/d1/d2)- Push a new context node on the context stack. ReadChunkBytes(iff,buf,size)(a0/a1,d0) - Read bytes from the current chunk into a buffer. ReadChunkRecords(iff,buf,bytesPerRecord,nRecords)(a0/a1,d0/d1) - Read record elements from the current chunk into SetLocalItemPurge(localItem,purgeHook)(a0/a1) - Set purge vector for a local context item. StopChunk(iff,type,id)(a0,d0/d1) - Declare a chunk which should cause ParseIFF to return. StopChunks(iff,propArray,nProps)(a0/a1,d0) - Declare many stop chunks at once. StopOnExit(iff,type,id)(a0,d0/d1) - Declare a stop condition for exiting a chunk. StoreItemInContext(iff,localItem,contextNode)(a0/a1/a2) - Store local context item in given context node. StoreLocalItem(iff,localItem,position)(a0/a1,d0) - Insert a local context item into the context stack. WriteChunkBytes(iff,buf,size)(a0/a1,d0) - Write data from a buffer into the current chunk. WriteChunkRecords(iff,buf,bytesPerRecord,nRecords)(a0/a1,d0/d1) - Write records from a buffer to the current